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Georgie Smith HOME creates occasions that cater to all the senses. If you are a foodie who wants to enjoy restaurant deliciousness in an ambient setting at home or in nature, I hope you will journey with me in creating inspired memories that add meaning to our lives.

An Epic Week at A Sense of Home

Georgie's HOME Blog

Sharing ideas, inspirations and recipes that add deliciousness to life is what I'm all about. Be sure to stay tuned to my blog and stay up to date on the latest from Georgie.

An Epic Week at A Sense of Home

Georgie Smith

It has been such an epic week for A Sense of Home, I feel compelled to list the top 12 items.  Aside from creating homes for 4 young people, the below series of magical events unfolded to further advance the impact of ASOH.

1] Today a much needed and game changing donation for ASOH of $200k arrived thanks to the beautiful family who made this home creation possible.

2] Today a new donated truck was delivered to ASOH.

3] On Monday -- Prince Michael Jackson on Good Morning America talking about ASOH.

4] A Sense of Home on CBS — tomorrow. ASOH is in the 1st episode of new season of the TV series" Hidden Heroes “.

5] On Wednesday — International Women’s Day — announcement for Women’s Choice Awards… Georgie was announced as a nominee along w/ Emma Watson, Priyanka Chopra, Rosario Dawson & Alicia Garza (founder of Black Lives Matter).

6] On Monday ASOH team presented to the the Commission for Children & Families for LA's Board of Supervisors — to passionate applause. The ASOH youth  spoke out on behalf of all aged out foster youth in Los Angeles determined to break the cycle and become leaders of sustainable change. We look forward to the commissioners & Board of Supervisors coming to a home creation to experience the magic themselves

7] After their execs experienced a home creation this week — Casper is donating new mattresses to ASOH.

8] Yolanda who is being groomed as the ASOH Exec Director (to lead her 7 staff of former foster youth) this week began the Annenberg Alchemy. Founders, George & Melissa completed a 3 day intensive at Annenberg in February.

9]  After experiencing a home creation this week — Fox Gives is partnering with ASOH

10] This week a feature length documentary on ASOH began filming.

11] This week the docs-series “Turning Point” booked a crew to film a half hour documentary on Georgie & ASOH.

12] ASOH confirmed this week that it will participate in the launch of a new groundbreaking app to help connect the youth with better support & reward them for their volunteering w/ ASOH. More soon.